Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Take A Deep Breath
Monday, March 30, 2009
A Game
Stumped or got it?
Okay here's the answer: Mina was up in the chimney today. How she was able to thrust herself through a narrow angled hole and land on that narrow strip where she could sit I have no clue. I'm just going to file this one away under crazy cat manuvers, take another sip of wine, and have a good giggle.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Not Very Original Today
Friday, March 27, 2009
Sometimes I Wonder....
Me: "I'm saving up money, budgeting, so I can make it over to my friends in Paris."
Bro: "Yeah I'm saving some money too... I'm thinking about buying another gun."
There are moments when I wonder, in all seriousness, if my brother and I are from the same gene pool. And if we are, which is likely, which hellish redneck end did he pop out of?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Why I Want One
Keenai, Jon's sister's Rhodesian Ridgeback. She's being camera shy.... or she doesn't like the camera. Not quite sure which.
Ridgebacks are insanely smart, athletic, protective (but not in blindly agressive way), and most importantly very loving and lovable. You need a big couch or space reserved nearby wherever you will park your hiney because they will be there. Oh did I mention that loyalty is a marked trait?
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Something I've Been Working On
I am doing it. After staring at a mostly filled out form to get a copy of my birth certificate, I kicked myself into gear, applied, and about three weeks later got my birth certificate from theOklahoma Dept. of Vital Records. From there I have started to fill out my application for a new US Passport (my old one long expired as I got it when I was 15).
Why? It's true that in this moment I have no specific travel plans- yet. However, I am going to go to Paris, France in the foreseeable future. I have friends there who I haven't seen in far too long and a visit with them is, to put it mildly, rather overdue. Right now, I'm beginning to rearrange my budget to begin saving for this trip. How I'm going to pull this off with the student loan consolidation looming over me and the fact that I don't make a whole lotta money I'm not entirely sure.
At the same time, this is a trip I must take. When I get something whether it be a task, a goal, idea, etc under my skin and I can't shake or rationalize the feeling of 'must do it' away- I have to do it. This feeling is what got me to go to Japan as an exchange student, guided me to go to TU, gave me the insane idea doing two majors, and many other decisions that, yes have been difficult at time, I do not regret doing for one second. In fact, these decisions I believe have provided me with invaluable life lessons and I think I've become a better person for it. Well.... at least I hope!
No doubt, a trip abroad is a 'must do'. I hope to be in France within this year, but, if it takes longer it takes longer. Currently, I'm scouring cheap airfare sites, saving, and plotting. There are questions I have and while there's no way to know if this trip will provide answers, like I said, I just know I need to go and do it. At the very least, I will be in with friends, eating good food, exploring, taking pics and getting away from the norm. After all, who doesn't need that?
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Regularly Scheduled Blogging to Recommence Soon
See ya on the flip side!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
One Year Old
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Taking Time
Saturday, March 7, 2009
A Look Back to Help Me Move Forward
The second time I flew to France, I went by myself. First solo trip overseas in fact. (The first time I traveled with another girl my age) While my final destination was not Paris, my plane landed there. After I got through customs, my host father picked me up, picked his daughter up (she had stayed with my family and we were flying back at the same time, just different airlines), and whisk us off to the train station. My host sister, C, and I then took a TGV train down to La Rochelle to join the rest of her family at their country chateau.
When I was picked up at Charles DeGaulle (airport) we had to go to another airport. While we were winding through the crazy streets of Paris, the sunroof was opened and I had a fantastic view of Paris streets and buildings above and around me. Although it was the second time I had been to Paris I was still awestruck with what was all around me. Despite the jet lag, wretched traffic, and a near major car accident, I was still giddy and dumbstruck all at the same time. Looking up on buildings older than most at home, I felt like a child discovering something new for the first time. Thinking back on that now, I can still feel the raw emotions I experienced in that car nearly 10 years ago.
Isn't that what provokes us to travel? The intense waves of emotions at seeing something so remarkably different, while at the same time finding what binds us together as the human race on this planet? While I understand that my past experiences were unique to that very time, and that they will not be repeated again, I still want to go and experience it (Paris) and other places again. See places with older, and hopefully wiser eyes; and take in all the emotions and thoughts that go along with being away from home. I do believe that these kinds of experiences really help one grow and appreciate wherever their home is and the rest of the world. I know that I cannot speak enough of what traveling has done for my development as a person. Despite both negative and positive occurrences away from home, I want more of it- to help me gain more perspective and to store away precious memories.
Man I need to get myself on a jet plane soon!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
This Stuff Rocks
I'm not going to lie, I was a bit skeptical. However, the result speaks for itself:
Post-feast... Mina and Oscar have begun the practice of the post-feast nap. Never too far from the precious grass though.
Quick note: So far, Mina has stopped chewing on the peace lily in the other room. I'm very interested in how long that'll last.