Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Leo At Your Service*

A blog post midday?? Why you ask? Shouldn't I be at work you ask?? Yes, I should, but, I'm not due to the sinus infection that mutated into an upper respiratory infection-again. I'm on the mend and am beyond grateful that my roommie had a spare refill of an antibiotic laying around so I don't have to shell out more money to see the doc (my health insurance hasn't taken effect yet). I'm kinda cranky about being sick, but, I'm trying to think positive here! I will get back all my energy and motivation to get stuff done.
Now that my "I hate being sick" rant is over let's turn our attention to Leo. Specifically Leo's adjustment to my job at a local elementary school. My schedule has been changed a multitude of times already which can be frustrating and sometimes hard on Leo as a new room, students, and teachers can cause him to neglect napping and be a bit overstimulated. The first week and a half ish it was really rough. He wouldn't sleep, he'd get a bit agitated, restless, etc. Now that we're more in a 'groove' he's doing better and following commands better than ever. It seems the more noise and the more we have to do in a day the better he pays attention. He still has his days/moments though, but, hey don't we all?

Leo's presence at school has gone over really, really well. The kids are in love with him. Whenever we're in the hallway the students will wave hello to him, ask me if they can pet him, and sometimes they talk to him as if he were just another student there. The first day I began cafeteria duty the kids in line began chanting, "Leo! Leo! Leo!..." (which had to be stopped before mass chaos ensued). Talk about cool. The art teacher has had the younger students make pictures of Leo and they now line the hallways. I've had children give me pictures of them with Leo (they also give me Zany Bands and pencils- score!). Leo is a rock star at school and I cannot help but think he is loving the attention.

I think the biggest impact Leo has made is with one particular student I work with. Due to privacy issues I cannot go into specifics about this one kiddo (I'll call him J for John Doe), but, I will say he has a lot of issues to deal with at such a young age. I've been working with J for almost three weeks now, for about an hour a day and it's so neat to see what has been happening. This student calls Leo, 'his dog' and he often reaches out to Leo to touch him- the action seems almost subconscious actually. The students have been told that there is to be no touching/petting without my permission (we also use petting Leo as a reward for good behavior), but, I am inclined to let J touch Leo when he needs to. His teachers comment on how much calmer J is when we're in the room with him and I know that's in part to Leo's mellow yellow lab presence. Animals can truly be amazingly therapeutic and I am so lucky to see this day after day, especially in the relationship that has formed between Leo and J.
To say Leo's presence has been a positive one is an understatement. I love bringing him to work with me even if it means putting up with the little hassles that will inevitably happen with a puppy and training a service dog. It's worth it though, and to show that I will leave you all with this one very sweet episode from last Friday. The student, J, came with his classmates to the 1st grade class I was working in to read to the younger students and the younger students would, in turn, read to them. We allowed J to read to Leo and I (see picture above). Leo laid down calmly and watched him read, gradually falling asleep. After J read for awhile Leo woke back up and watched him again staying really low key; despite the classroom being noisy the area we sat in was a sea of calmness. J asked me something and I asked him to repeat it as I didn't hear it. J asked if he could give Leo a kiss. I said yes he could and J gave him a gentle peck on his forehead and Leo sighed and looked at him with contentment. What a moment to witness. There's an understanding going on between those two, one that I don't get to be a direct part of, but, one I am more than happy to have develop.

*That is Leo's first name. All the service dogs are give the 'last name' of 'At Your Service'

Sunday, September 26, 2010

And We're Back

Ohh last week, how you took it out of me. My apologies for my blogging absence! I got a bit sick, the kids all took crazy pills at school, and yesterday I had three places to be and Leo had hot spots on his paw so bad he hardly moved for a day (he's a lot better now). My energy is coming back and now I'm back to blogging.
So here's the long overdue post about the Scottish Games in Tulsa. I danced there a week ago and wow was I rusty- and HOT!
The Scottish Games mean that there are multitudes of men wearing kilts. Young and old.

I wanted to hug this old man. He was decked out and didn't seem to be bothered by the hot weather. Though I wonder if his legs itched in those stockings that day.

Thank you Lord for men who dress in kilts and do us the favor of wearing shorts underneath. From what I understand most, if not all kilts, are all wool. For their sake I hope they were wearing their light weight summer kilts. I have my doubts.

Did I mention it was hot out there last week? Like almost mid-summer hot. Summer decided to make one last stand and of course it was on the day we had to dance. As you can tell I was less than enthused about having to be there. I wanted to dance, but, I knew it was going to be rough as I had just started practicing again after a six week break. Add the heat in there and I just wanted to run. But, alas, the show must go on!

Photographic evidence that I love, love to jump. And my form isn't nearly as good as it was! The beginning of the performance wasn't bad. But, after about 10 minutes I thought I was melting.

We have a new addition to our little dance school and his name is James. I don't think I have to point out where he is in that picture. He's really cool,talented, from Canada, and one tough cookie for having to dance in that heat in black slacks and a long sleeve shirt. I felt bad about my complaints. At least I had a t-shirt on.

We danced two 15 minute segments. I was told that my face looked about as red as my skirt towards the end. Darn pale skin and my tendency to overheat! I think we all lost five pounds dancing out there. Apparently Irish Dance has about the same cardio impact of full on running- while I am no scientist nor doctor I would like to throw in my, 'YA THINK?!' in there. It was fun though, the crowd was delightful and forgiving of our rusty performance (first time the 'band' was back together and we rehearsed just an hour plus-ish before we arrived at the games). Thanks to Sarah's kids and hubby who showed up and watched my face nearly explode! lol And of course we must give Jon some major credit for taking pictures of the dancing and for taking me to get a cold beverage at QuikTrip after. We wanted to stay longer, but, the heat was making us both very tired so we headed out and sought relief in cool drinks and air conditioning. That said, the Tulsa Scottish Games were fun, bagpipes and kilts everywhere, games, dancing, and good food. What's not to love and enjoy?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Picture du Jour

Wheee!! I believe I can fly!
If you'll forgive me, I'm really drained and tired from today's performance at the Scottish Games . The temperature and humidity were both up today. I swear I lost five pounds due to excessive sweating!! So, no long blog entry with all the pictures taken at today's event. Just one photo, taken by Jon, which really captures the motion and momentum of dance. Enjoy! I'll be back soon with more great shots.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fall Beckons

I can't help but have a, "My thoughts on fall approaching" entry. So if you'll allow me a bit of musing here and random photo-age I'd appreciate it. Even though, the daytime temps still hover in the lower 90's we can feel fall approaching here in Tulsa as the morning temps are much cooler and the humidity is beginning to drop. I don't think fall really starts in Oklahoma until October, so, with the end of September approaching I'm anticipating the cooler and crisper air! This probably has to do, at least in part, with my car not having a/c. But, seriously I do love fall!
Mina doesn't get a lot of face time on my blog, but, she's still around and Queen Bee of all.
Fall makes me wanna clean. I know there's spring cleaning, but, what's wrong with a little fall cleaning I say? Oh, right cleaning involves work. Well, guess it's a small price to pay for some good clean 'feng shue' around the house right? Oh and fall means new clothes must be bought. Especially since I've been wearing the same black slacks 3-4 days of the week (different tops of course!) at work. A new job and a change of season is the perfect time for shopping, n'est ce pas?
Okay... so anytime of the year is a good time for shopping really. I just get buyers guilt if I don't have a good rationalization for shopping.

The dogs love that temps aren't in the 100's anymore. Can't say I blame them there!
Fall also means I'm back to Irish dance and hopefully my French language classes (if they're offered on one of my few free nights. Fingers crossed!). I'm still sore from last Thursday night's dance class and I've discovered that my feet lost their most of their calluses. I've been on blister watch for the past two days. Luckily, none have popped up yet, but, the balls of my feet are tender. Getting back into the groove of dancing has it's price. Oh why oh why did I not practice during the break!? Oh, right, I was trying to get a job. Then I got a job. I guess that's a reasonable excuse. ;-)
Fall also brings the Scottish Games, the Tulsa Oktoberfest, and the Tulsa State Fair. Plaid skirts, Highland games, leiderhosen, bratwurst, beer, fried food, and mullet sitings- what's not to love?! Naturally I'll be attending these said events and going bananas with the camera. I hope I can capture a shot of the illusive 'skullet' at the fair. There's always a couple in the crowd, but, getting a clear picture of this phenomenon, and being inconspicuous about it, is very, very challenging.
I love fall, but, I love every season for one reason or another. I think that's because, by the time a season ends I'm ready for a new one to begin. I love the changing of seasons the holidays in them, and the events, big or small, they bring.
Do you have anything to look forward to during fall?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Manic Monday

Leo feeling the adverse sideffects from today. Shh!! Snuck this picture while the kids were listening to their teacher.
Where do I begin? It wasn't a bad day, it was just- manic! I was given a schedule of teachers to visit and help out for an hour or so. Five teachers in all. Yes, I said five. Mind you this maybe temporary and I've already been told of a change by the principal. Okay.. I'm flexible I can do this I told myself.
Then I get to the classrooms. Kids are thrilled Leo's there, helped a sweet girl in my first class, then I get to the next teacher. She looks at me like I'm invading her room and I felt pretty awkward as the kids were in the middle of testing. Get to the next class and the teacher was cool enough to let me talk about Leo. THEN, while the kids are occupied with worksheets she asks me why I came to her class. It dawned on me in that moment, these teachers were not told I was going to be there and thus, couldn't plan accordingly. The first class going so well was a fluke, an utter fluke as I got a minute to talk with the teacher while her kids were on bathroom break. The rest were clueless as to why I showed up at their door.
Ohhhh boy.
So I go about the rest of my day apologizing to every teacher I had to go to, telling them I would probably be there, but, I wasn't for sure as things were already in flux. I still got to help some kiddos out and that was awesome. Leo did great despite the fact he skipped breakfast and wasn't in the greatest of moods (needy- very needy). Then while I was finishing my day in the office two 'suits' come into the school. I say hi,they introduce themselves, ask for the principal, I tell Principal some folks from such and such are here.
Those people were from the school board. One was in fact the superintendent who just decided to show up without warning at the end of the school day. FUN! I clock out and get Leo and I outta there fast as I just didn't want to add any undue stress on the principal. So I haul butt to work where that was a whole 'nother series of crazy there. Ran an errand after work, traffic's bad of course, takes forever to get home. I get home and what do I do? Sync my phone and iTunes account incorrectly and erase the language podcasts and learning tools off of my phone.
Go me.
Suffice it to say my gin and tonic is pretty strong tonight. My liver may hate me by the end of this week if things stay this way!
Hope your Monday was less insane than mine!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

In Which I Realize I Need a Break... But...

What I'd rather be doing this weekend... sigh.
In two hours I will be taking on another babysitting gig with the twins I've watched before. When I agreed to watch them for the weekend (really only a day-ish) I wasn't gainfully employed and was definitely in need of a little extra cash. Now that I've been working more throughout these past two weeks I really wish I hadn't agreed to watch the kiddos. Not because of them, I just need rest and time to get the house in order so I can go at it again next week without my surroundings seeming messy or chaotic. Oh and did I mention I'm taking them to a football game with their Tiger Cub Scout group at my old Alma Mater and after said game we're camping out on the football game ALL night with the other little scoutlings in the Tulsa area?? I didn't?? Yeah, I'm doing that.
My time management skills are in definite need of improvement. Just another lesson in learning how to schedule my time and making sure I get rest. Both things which I won't get so much this weekend I think. Wish me luck and that I manage to get some sleep in the 'great outdoors' with the pollen and mold counts high, surrounded by young children. This oughta be interesting.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I Finally Did It

I left my cell [i] phone at work today. I'm actually surprised, usually I leave my cell phones somewhere once a week and I've been able to keep track of it and not forget it since I began my new job. Now I'm sitting at home, no gas in the car, no money in the bank, needing to get Leo to his training class, hoping Jon will read my emergency please-oh-God-can- you-help email and save me.
Flaking Out- 1 Megan (remembering things that make her life easier)-0

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A New View of School

Today marks one week I've been gainfully employed in the local school system. Though I've only been a paperwork minion (for now) this new job and subsequent routine has been a positive one. For example, I used to loathe getting up early for school. I like my eight hours of sleep, I really do. When I knew I would have to get up at 6:30am, to ensure I would be at my school ten minutes before I needed to clock in, I was certain I wouldn't transition easily. Much to my surprise, I had one day when I was achingly tired and after that I've been fine. Naturally I get tired earlier, but, I find that I am far more productive now that I have more structure to my day.
Working for a school, as opposed to going to one, has been full of fun and some sad surprises. I see parents in the office on a regular basis come in and pick up their children for various appointments or because they're sick. I have been shocked at the number of parents who don't remember their child's teacher's name. We're starting week three of the school year and they don't know who is teaching their kid??? Education is so, so valuable, so crucial to development and future success and yet I see that it is not appreciated by those who play a critical role in their child's education- the parents. Mind you this is not everyone, but, it would've never occurred to me as a student that my parents would have no clue who my instructor was!
I knew going into this job that this school was full of low income, high risk children. So hearing that there was a child who had fleas and lice didn't come as a shock, but, it is still unbelievably disturbing and sad. Seeing paperwork that states clearly that a student's own father can, under no circumstances, pick up his own daughter or son is mind blowing to say the least. You know these cases exist, but, it is understandably different when you're in the front row seeing these cases play out.
I have no idea what's in store for me when I'm finally assigned to a class. There will no doubt be situations that will break my heart, that I cannot simply leave at work. However, I am not ready to run for the hills because of that. Perhaps knowing what I'm getting myself into helps. I do have a sense that there will be brilliant moments that will shine through those sad stories and that even if I cannot change what a child has to go through, I can at least provide a bright spot, however brief, in their life.
And that's what keeps me there and hopeful that I can face down and even succeed in this new setting I've become part of.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


The awesome TracePoo at A Maui Mommy awarded me with the Stylish Blogger Award!! I'm afraid I don't have a good acceptance speech prepared so let's go straight to the rules. I am to share five 'secret' things about me and/or this blog then pass along this award to five bloggers.
1. This probably isn't 'secret' persay, but, I don't know exactly what I want be. I have things I want to do, and a basic mantra of give to others what I can, but, that's about it. I think it's because I've wanted to be so many things I am just not deadset on being in a particular career field. Or I simply can't make up my mind. Or.. both. lol
2. I loathe, LOATHE folding laundry. Washing laundry, putting it way, heck even ironing doesn't bug me. Folding it and hanging it on the other hand- blech.
3. I want to do something different with this blog, but, I'm stuck on how to do it. I love the template I have, but, I would like to have links to an about me section, that sort of thing. For the life of me I can't figure out how to move forward with this without completely destroying the nice template I have now.
4. I used to have a bit of a speech 'issue'. There were just certain words I couldn't pronounce when I was little. Soldier was one of them. In fact, an elementary school friend sat me down one recess and had me practice saying soldier, and shoulder. I finally grew out of that. It was as if my brain and mouth just needed to line up on a few words.
5. The first language I ever learned wasn't French nor Japanese, but, Spanish. I went to an after school program once a week when I was seven to learn basic Spanish words. What turned me off from continuing to learn espangnol was my, still to this day, tone deaf brother singing "Des Colores" around the house ad naseum for a class project. The Spanish words were so mutilated by his singing I thought the Spanish language sounded too harsh and abrasive. So, when I was in Jr. High I decided I would learn French instead. The rest is history. (Though I want to learn more Spanish now, especially since I am at a school with a high hispanic population)
I pass this award to...
1. Annelise @ a box of crayons
2. Sarah @ Our Sunnyview...
3. Sara Louise @ Sara in Le Petit Village
5. Jana Faith @ Everyday is Your Runway

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Workin' Hard For the Money

I started working for the elementary school yesterday. Surprise!! Monday I got the call to show up at 8am the next day. I'm not goint to write too much about what has been going on as, well, to be honest there hasn't been too much going on! The office at the school I work at is swamped so me, another para, and the occasional teacher's assistant are working on paperwork. Mind numbing paperwork. It's not horrible and it is nice for Leo as he can get used to the new environment without being overstimulated and needing to be good in a classroom setting. That scenario struck fear in my heart. I should get assigned to a class and student soon, but, the office is in dire straights as they are overwhelmed with neccessary forms to record, chase down those who haven't filled out forms yet, take care of the usual administrative stuff, and so on and so forth and naturally being a public school they aren't staffed to the hilt with people who can deal with mundane tasks. Thus, I get to deal with those for them
I'm eager to get started on my 'real' job, but, I'm also grateful for being able to do something during the day. Not going to lie, these early mornings are KILLER!! I'm sure there are many more adjustments coming my way. I am dreading the next month as I get used to this whole new working full time and teaching piano on the side routine (not to mention my other activies I do on top of that!). There's no elegant way to say this, but, this new routine will probably kick my a**.
And to that I say, "Here's to a sore butt!!"