Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Job as a Roller Coaster Ride - Sans the Puke

Thank you, for the accurate depiction!
I am not here to discuss how working at a school with low-income, high risk kids can be a crazy ride from day to day. I think I've covered that sufficiently with at least one entry per month mentioning that. lol No, what I'm about to tell you is the craziness that is working for a local public school system here in the OK. Fair warning, this will be a bit lengthy and has plenty of twists and turns. Hope you can keep up!
While I do not have the statistics on hand, let's just say that Oklahoma is ranked pretty stinkin' low compared to most of the states when it comes to funding the schools, paying our teachers, etc. So it came as no surprise that my employer had to reorganize their district to try and save money. Plans were discussed, town hall-esque meetings were held, and teachers and staff held their breath. The plans came out and the school I work for was safe. We were going to add another grade, but, we would be able to retain everyone. Phew!
But, unfortunately the feeling of relief did not last long. Soon we were told all support staff who was hired this past school year would be given non-renewal notices; the district cuts people according to time served as opposed to who the principal believes need to go. I get it, but, it does stink as I was one of those employees who received said notice. My principal reassured me this happens all the time, staff is told they're getting cut because Title 1 allotments are always changing. So, while I was nervous, I trusted my principal and everyone else's past experiences. My boss also reassured me if she couldn't get me back as a para, she would do everything in her power to get me back as a teacher's assistant.
THEN the last day of the school year comes and teachers are then told our school has to cut six 1/2 positions!!! The reason? The reorganization plan that was approved messed up the redistricting. Some students were going, some were staying, but, overall the numbers were HUGE mess. I was sad for the teachers, but, also even more worried about getting a new job. Fortunately, they were able to save positions because my school insisted that the lines were looked at closer to give a more accurate list of how many students we were going to have for 2011-2012. To add to the mess, however, there were calls about cutting the TAs who had been there for awhile. It's a good thing I don't bite my nails, because I wouldn't have any nails left!!
You think it's over right? Ohhhhhhhh no, no, no. The state legislature passed a bill that basically cut funding to public schools (mainly to primary education, naturally the universities of this state were left alone.). The district, who had just implemented a new program to save money, now faced cutbacks. So, the funding to special education programs were cut.* Forty para positions were part of the cuts. At this point, my chances of gainful employment with my school looked very dismal.
Fast forward to last night, my principal called me. I was teaching a piano lesson at the time, so, I had to call her back. I was nervous, and being me, I kept thinking it was bad news. I mean can you blame me in light of all the crap that has happened? After playing phone tag, and waiting nervously for over two hours, my principal and I talked. She has a teaching assistant position open and wanted to know if I would accept! I naturally said, 'HELL YES!' Ok so maybe I didn't say that specifically, but, I accepted. I know being a para has more clout, technically, but, with how things work at my school it would be essentially the same job. Bouncing from room to room helping in any way that I can.
I know, it's one crazy set up. I love my job as I do feel I am making a difference for children. However, by no means will I be doing this forever. I'm grateful though that I will have this experience to learn from and use for what I may do in the future. I am also grateful to have steady income and insurance!! It has been a crazy roller coaster ride working for the public school system this past school year and I think I could write a short book on my observations and thoughts about what I've seen this year. Here's to another school year, working hard to teach children who have to traverse the odds of their situation and to survive budget cuts.

*Don't get me started on how tricky this is legally and ethically. Blogspot would shut down with what I could say about this!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dog Days of Summer

I don't know who's enjoying summer more, me who's getting more sleep and dance time in, or the boys who can't manage to leave each other alone for five minutes. The answer is alluding me. You decide!
Happy First Day of Summer Everyone!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Not the Post I Intended to Write Today

Warning: This post will contain some ranting and sentences that may not make a whole lot of sense and loads of sarcasm.
Last night Jon informed me that a relative of his would be having a birthday celebration Friday evening at a local Mexican restaurant. I told him to double check that Leo's presence would be no biggie, figuring it wouldn't, but, I didn't want anyone to be surprised that I brought him. A little background info before I continue: Jon has had mega weirdness when it comes to taking Leo to restaurants when it involves joining members of his family. His father to be exact is the source of this; he's old and tends to be predictably unpredictable. He can be fine one minute, the next he'll be cranky. Jon's concern about his father's behavior has been a sore spot, especially in regards to Leo going to restaurants. That has really drove me crazy and only recently has Jon has begun to get over it.
Now this relative has met Leo, knows he has worked with me at the elementary school, has heard many stories of his accomplishments while working in public, etc, etc. So imagine my surprise when said kinfolk texted back say they were concerned about Leo being at this restaurant because of a) Jon's father (shocker I know!) and b) that this particular Mexican restaurant, with it's more 'authentic' staff if you will wouldn't understand that Leo is okay to be in the restaurant, so they'd rather me not bring him.
Jon explained that Leo has been out to many restaurants including Mexican ones without a problem, but, no dice. They are too hung up about those assumptions and so I've decided I'm not going to even bother going tonight. I realize how b*tchy that is of me, but, I'm really tired of Jon's family, and/or concerns they have, prohibiting Leo's training. The assumptions are prejudice and unfounded- like really have any of them been in public training a service dog?? You'd think my personal experiences working with Leo would have some weight here, but, apparently not. To be quite frank, Leo and other service dogs (in training or partnered) would be better behaved and not nearly as loud nor messy as most kids. I know, because I was one of those kids who was loud and not so neat about eating my food. Leo on the other hand settles in his spot, leaves food alone (even if it is on the floor), and takes a long nap. Yes, it'd be SO horrible and unnerving to have such a dog around in a restaurant!
I'm in a grouchy mood because of this. I have worked really hard with Leo and I feel that this is a slap in the face. No acknowledgement of Leo's need for experience and our work together; just baseless assumptions. The restaurant would likely be fine about a service dog being there, and if they were to cause trouble a simple call to Therapetics would bring down calls from lawyers and even a visit from the police. I seriously doubt it would EVER get that far with though. Oh, and let's not get started on how that a Mexican owned restaurant wouldn't understand is kinda racist. I mean COME ON! In regards to Jon's father, well, he's never been given the chance to show if he's okay with Leo or not- Jon's paranoia has caused me to leave Leo at home on several occasions. Quite frankly, I'm sick of it now! I have six months left with Leo and I refuse to leave Leo at home based on these fears! He needs the experience and it is my responsibility to him and to his partner to get him these experiences and train him the best I can.
So I say screw 'em. I'll stay home, surf the Internet, pour myself some tequila, and keep Leo and Louie company. Seems like a better way to spend my time!

Monday, June 13, 2011

All Leo, All the Time

That's my Leo! He's so tolerant of the camera.
Let's face it, there can never be enough pictures of Leo right? As far as his training goes, Leo is doing a great job. I am SO proud of his progress. There's always something else to work on, but, he's doing his tasks well, walking on a loose leash, chilling out at restaurants, etc. Right now his biggest problem is that he's bored! As we're not going to school every weekday we're doing a whole lot of nothing between errand running and the private lessons I teach. Guess there are worse problems to have huh?
One of the fun experiences we had together was going to the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial Site and Museum as well as the Capitol Building with all the fourth grade classes. It was so much fun, even if I had to wake up at 5am and didn't get home until 7pm. Here are some pictures taken by my teacher friend during that day. She has more, but, hasn't given me a disc of them yet, so I just downloaded the ones she posted on Facebook (hence the not so fab quality).
On the bus to OKC. Leo handled the bus like a pro. And how I was able to smile despite the sleep deprivation is nothing short of amazing. Leo on the other hand is a poser. He sees a camera lens pointed at him and he gives the best expressions. I'm so proud he's picked up on that without me having to train it in him.
Leo and I in the Oklahoma Supreme Courtroom. We were given a tour by a local representative which was so cool. You can tell that Leo is pretty wiped out at this point, but, he didn't complain. He just napped at every opportunity. lol
I think this photo is pretty self-explanatory. We were SO tired after all of that activity!! The trip was fantastic though, the bombing memorial and museum brought back a lot of memories for me (I was in 7th grade when it happened) and I was struck at how intensely I remembered the emotions of that time. The moment that was the most emotionally intense, was when we listened to a survivor tell us her story. It was very hard not to cry, but, this woman was so positive about what happened to her. She even visited with Leo which was such an honor for us! Too bad my camera was out of commission. Ah well, we have those memories and the pictures that serve as a reminder of our adventures together.
Leo has his year and a half evaluation this week. I can't believe we only have six months left until he's partnered. I hope to make every moment count and give him enough love and great experiences to get him set for his future partner. I just can't help but think I'm the lucky one though. If it weren't for Leo's training I wouldn't have all these wonderful memories, I wouldn't have benefited from learning how to train him (I've learned to have more patience than I ever thought I could have!), and I wouldn't have been able to help people and students who have benefited from interacting with Leo.
Alright, I better stop gushing before I'm in tears. ;-)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


One of the major 'events' during my blog absence was the purchase of a brand new car- for ME! I'm sorry I don't have a picture of it right now, the camera lens I bought on Amazon was the wrong type (my mistake). But, the picture above gives you an idea. I got a black Toyota Yaris, two doors just like the one above. It's shiny, and still has that new car smell!
I hated the idea of having to make a car payment as I don't like the thought of being in debt. I already owe part of my soul in college loans thank you very much. However, problems with my old Buick were numerous. So numerous and severe it would have cost more to get it up to snuff than the car was worth. Add another summer without a/c in the car, and that Leo was going to be with me far more, I knew that my options were limited. Jon and I talked about it and agreed to look at a new car, one with a warranty, one that would be reliable, gas efficient, etc, etc. So one Friday evening we beboped on over to a dealership to test drive a Yaris.
Mind you I was SO nervous about going to a dealership to buy a car. I come from a car family. My father pretty much pounded the idea in my head that car salesmen will try to give you the shaft. I am beyond happy to report, however, that I did not have to battle it out with the salesman. In fact he was uber nice, the car was perfect, and finance was willing to give me a very nice, reasonable deal. I bought it the next day. I got all the extra coverage I could as paying a little extra per month for peace of mind is worth it! Oh, did I mention the dealership let me bring both Leo and Louie (who's a pet so, he doesn't have the carte blanche to be in public like Leo) into the dealership?? I wanted to make sure they could fit inside the car (they do) and they were beyond cool about it. How neat is that?
I've had the car for three weeks now, and I L-O-V-E it!! I bought it just in time for the warm-hot summer temperatures. I love a/c... love it. I seriously think it is one of the best inventions out there. Alright, maybe not the best, but, it sure is NICE! I could really go on, and on, about the a/c ,but, I will spare you all that. ;-) It's really nice to have a good reliable vehicle though, my last car was not going to last much longer. In fact, the dealership gave me a whopping $100 for it! That tells you how much of a ticking time bomb it was. What a relief I'm not in it anymore- not to mention not having to pay nearly as much filling it up with fuel.
Getting that car is a major life win. However, not all events have been a 'win'. Life is funny how it balances things out isn't it? More catching up later guys! I have laundry to get to.
ps- Thanks for the welcome back love! It feels great to be back here.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Guess Who's Back?

It's me! Taken by Tami, my boss, at the studio recital May 22
Well, it has been awhile hasn't it? I dunno what to say other than I'm sorry I haven't been around. There really is no excuse. The only explaination for my absence is that the last month of work was I N S A N E! Add running to two jobs five days per week and other various sundry life stuff equaled me being exhausted nearly every day. The drain on my energy left me unable to form proper sentences at times. It was sad really lol, but, I just knew I was too tired to write about what was going on. I'm sure my entries would've made very little sense as I couldn't really think after I got home from work.
Now that summer vacation has started (can we say YAY!!!!!) I'm slowly coming around. I miss my blog friends and sharing what's going on in our lives. Rather than give you all one huge blog entry about what has been going on (and there has been a LOT!) I'm going to break it up and spread it across a few entries. How does that sound?
So, my dear awesome blog friends you'll be seeing more of me I promise. Again, I'm so sorry I abandoned you and I will do everything in my power to catch you all up and be a better friend to you guys. I really have missed you all more than you can know!! Sending each and every one of you some love wherever you are. 'Talk' to you soon!