Now that I'm a puppy raiser I can get involved in various volunteer opportunities. Saturday morning I went to one of the malls in Tulsa to sit at a table for Therapetics during the Stride 'n Ride Walk for Muscular Dystrophy. We were there to represent Therapetics and talk to people about the dogs, what they are learning, will do, etc. etc. Despite being up early and without coffee for the first hour I was there I am so glad I went. It's amazing how people respond to dogs, in particular the children. I couldn't get enough pictures of the puppie interacting with them!
why I do this.
I am glad I am getting involved in an organization cause that gives me such a satisfying feeling and memories that will only cause me to be a better person. Volunteering is about helping other out and that is the primary reason I'm a puppy raiser. Oddly enough, I think though I may get just as much out of this experience as the person who will be lucky enough to get Leo's help and love. Funny how that works huh?
AWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... *melt* That's so awesome!
that's so so so fantastic!!! doing good? with dogs?? does it get any better??!!!
no, no it doesn't.
Sarah- I know right?! OMG there were so many moments that made my heart melt. It was so awesome! And worth being in a zombie-like state.
sarah- It doesn't really! Eventhough I will have to let Leo go to his partner one day(and there will be tears- oh there will be tears) knowing what good he's going to do and then all the fun and wonderful moments I have and will experience makes every tear worth it. I'm so lucky to be able to do this!
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