I want to share some photos taken by different people at yesterday's Farmers Market.
Courtesy of the mother of the littlest dancer who danced with us. A pretty good air shot, and let's face it getting a great shot of a jump/leap is really, really hard! Fun stuff. Thanks to Mrs. S for this picture!
Jon took this picture of Louie-lou. Louie loves, and I mean LOVES crowds. He was pulling around a bit too much (still not out of control though) as he was just SO excited to be around people and other dogs. I think this picture captures his excitement for the Market perfectly. I think we'll have to go the there again, if not for the awesome produce and such, but, at the very least to get Louie accoustomed to crowds.
And here's my [not so] 'little' guy. Loveable Leo, just checking things out and taking things in as calm and placid as can be. He and Louie are a perfect pair. They balance one another out perfectly.-I love seeing different perspectives. Looking at the same surroundings, but, through a different lense is refreshing non?
OMG you look great! what a fabulous photo. Good on' ya as the aussies say for going out there and performing! I hope to see more photos like this soon. And i just love the shots of the dogs. Sascha would be more like Louie, pulling all over the place!
Again, wow! Great job! ;)
Thank you Jessica! Wow, you have no idea what your comment meant to me! Thank you so, so much! It really was a fun experience and I hope I can get better with more experience and time.
The shots of the doggies are really tops. Jon outdid himself on those shots. He says, "Thank you!" Isn't it funny how Leo and Sascha look alike, but, Louie and Sascha would do act the same in a crowd? Funny how that happens. I'm going to work with Louie on his leash manners- he had a training collar that worked really well, but, I want him to get accoustomed to knowing that whenever he's on leash, no matter what the collar, he has to behave. It's going to be a challenge with his drive and energy, but, I think it'll work out. I just have to make sure I'm patient!
You'll get to a good place leash wise with Sascha, no worries! Just stay strong and very, very patient sometimes these things take time right? Of course be armed with loads treats too! Always helps. ;-) Good luck!
I'm doubly impressed to see not only you dancing through the air with the greatest of ease, but doing it in sunglasses!!! I'm amazed that you could keep them on. That is a wonderful photograph of you! Congratulations on getting out there with your crew and performing. That takes determination to have a great time!
Dang, girl, you got AIR! White girl can jump! ;)
Pliers- Merci beaucoup!! The sunglasses were a dire neccessity actually! The sun was very bright that morning and right in our eyes! Fortunatly the sunglasses are a bit tighter thus making it easier to leap about in. Thank you again for you kind comment. Finally working on getting over some of that performance anxiety!
Sarah- Woot woot! Thank you girl! Though I have to thank Master Jordan for my jumping abilities- wouldn't be able to get any air time without some of that tae kwon do training. Oh and I love to do the leaps! They're tons of fun!!
Thats an awesome photo of you! I wish I would have known you were out there dancin, we would have come to watch! and yes, Louie looks happy as a clam! Dont you love when they give you that 'I am so digging this!' look?
Heather, you are too sweet thank you! I wish I had let more people know I was dancing as many have told me they would've come and watched! I am so blessed! To be honest though really you didn't miss much of me as I could only dance softshoe stuff. Now the rest who could do hardshoe and such- that would've been worth the stay!
Yes I love it when the puppies give those looks. Aren't they just 'melt' worthy?
leo is the one you're training to be a guide dog, right? do you really have to give him up??
Sarah yes Leo is the Service Puppy In Training (to be partnered w/someone with a physical disability/mobility issues though). And yes I'll have to give him up one day. It'll be sad for me, but, I know that and I keep telling myself how wonderful he's going to be for someone. It helps a little, but, I know I will cry like nothing else when that day comes.
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