I was going to find a picture of a person running with joy out of a building as that is what I felt like when I began my fall break yesterday. As I was searching Google images I remembered what annelise put on her blog the other day, the image above. Then I got to thinking (dangerous sometimes I know)... Despite how I am, at times, overwhelmed at what I see and feel due to my job and everyday life, it's good to be reminded of what I have. To pause, and think, and simply be grateful for all the wonderful things I take for granted sometimes.-
With that in mind, the image above, just seemed like the better picture to post.
Thanks go to Anna Walker who filled me in how to post this image in such a way it all shows up!
I am pretty sure, that you can go into the html section of the post when you're in edit mode, and edit the width to 400 AT THE WIDEST, then play around with the height! :)
Anna- Where have you been all my blog life?!? Thank you so much!
Amen. I'm having a Facebook comment debate today over psychiatric issues, and this only reminded me that we at least HAVE the resources here for those who DO need them. There needs to be more balance in all things. Perspective is key. Thanks for sharing, hun!
Seriously, I think every person in the world needs to read this poster. With the exception of the people it's saying we're better off than, of course. It just makes me feel so humble and puts it all back into perspective.
Hope you have a great weekend. x
PS. I always get the biggest (and nicest) shock when I see my name in someone else's posts :) x
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