Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My Favorite Time of Day

I love it when the sunlight is in its earlier or late 'form'. Right after sunrise, or right before sunset are my favorite times of day; though make no mistake I love a beautiful sunrise and sunset. The light is just beautiful, not too bright, but, still illuminates the world around it making things glow in a certain way. When I came home yesterday, about an hour before sunset, I saw how the rays were illuminating our climbing rose bush. I grabbed the camera as soon as I was inside, went back out and started shooting away.

Simply beautiful.


Heather said...

These are so beautiful! I particularly love morning light. its so fresh and delicate. But right now, I'd settle for any light...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful roses! Mine are just starting to bud. I wanted to congratulate you on your French studies. I reread your post about school and I think it's great that you're doing so well. I studied French on my own for years before actually moving. Bon courage!

Habebi said...

Heather- Thanks! I love morning light too, but, I'm just too much of a lazy bum! I like my sleep. And yes, sunshine would be great right now!

Dedene- Merci beaucoup! Your comment means a lot to me. :-) I hope I can put my studies to good use oneday, but, even if not it's still something that is too valuable to do nothing with. J'espere que vous êtes bien!

sassymo said...

Me too...both times are perfect for getting out the camera. I love your photos of your rose bush...they are so beautiful. Unfortunately, I accidentally killed my rosebush last winter (oops). I definitely don't have a green thumb.