Monday, April 19, 2010

Feis Prep Time

Alrighty, so it's been a few days and I do apologize for that! I've been a busy bee as this Saturday is my first Irish dance competition or Feis. Cuhrazy-ness! Of course, I have to share with you all what to-do and not to do, when preparing for a Feis.
Learn from my mistakes!
First part of my preparations has involved a lot personal care. Particularly for my shins. I am on strict regimine of ice packs and epsom salt baths as I am beginning to get shin splints! Blah! This is what I get for not stretching nearly enough (ie barely at all) after I have danced. Bad Megan. Moral of the story before a Feis, or heck just to not have to deal with swollen and painful calves, stretch lots and take care of your body!
To recap: Do- Stretch lots, attend to pain right away.
Don't- Think you're too tired and not stretch after class.
The more you know!


annelise said...

Ouchy :(

Jessica said...

Oh you poor thing! I had shin splints in middle school from running track - so painful! Take care and stretch heaps!!!

Habebi said...

Thanks Jessica! Yes, shin splints are the pits aren't they?! I am stretching and icing TONS and it really is helping. I cannot believe how silly I was! Lesson learned BIG time!

Habebi said...

Annelise- Ouchy indeed! However, it's not the worst injury out there and it's totally treatable and preventable. So I'm keeping my chin up. These splints won't get the best of me!

lovelyinlux said...

Sorry about the pain, but I like the picture! Yay for dancing! Even when it hurts :-)

Habebi said...

Lovely- Amen to that! Despite the discomfort I would rather have it because of dancing than not have it and not be dancing. Hopefully soon I can have dancing and no pain!

Habebi said...

Lovely- Amen to that! Despite the discomfort I would rather have it because of dancing than not have it and not be dancing. Hopefully soon I can have dancing and no pain!