Last night, much to my horror, Leo and Louie managed to escape Jon's house. We aren't sure how the gate was opened, but, it was and both dogs bolted unbeknownst to Jon and I (I was tending to his 2nd degree sunburn). When I went to get the dogs was at the door, but, no Leo. so the frantic search for Leo began. I ran back into the house at one point to get my phone when I saw that Harmony, one of the cool Therapetics people, had called. I called her back in quite a state- obviously. Calmly she told me they had Leo.
He had been hit by a car. A hit and run, actually, just down from Jon's house on one of the main streets that run through Tulsa. What is amazing is when Leo was hit Louie stood in the middle of the street 'gaurding' if you will Leo until good samaritans saw them, picked Leo up, called Therapetics and took him to the emergency vet clinic. They tried to pick up Louie, but, he ran away from them back to the house.
Leo's okay. Some slight bruising on his lungs, a bit of a cut on his lip, and the worst injury a broken leg. The break is in his lower left front leg, nowhere near the growth plate, so, his future as a service dog is not in jeopardy and most importantly he should make a full recovery. The leg will be operated on and he'll have a type of set up that will be outside of his leg to allow it to heal properly as he grows. I will be able to give you more detail once I know more.* The Therapetics vet, Dr. Mary, told me about it this morning. She kept Leo last night so that she could address any immediate medical needs Leo had. She is taking Leo to the vet, Dr Henson who sits on the Therapetics advisory board and will be performing the surgery.
So while I am thoroghly traumatized I am so, so grateful. Grateful to Louie who put himself in harm's way and protective instincts probably saved Leo any further trauma. I'm so thankful for the people who saw them and took care of them and were concerned about both Leo and Louie. I am extremely grateful and overwhelmed with the kindness of the Therapetics staff who showed up en masse at the emergency clinic, have kept in touch, and were amazingly kind to me as I feel like a horrible puppy mamma atm. And to Jon who kept me calm and to every friend who has expressed concern on FB, or via text, or phone. I'm simply blown away by how supportive and kind everyone is being. It really is overwhelming.
More updates to come, but, the good news is he's okay and will be okay. And for that I am beyond thankful for!
*ETA- Leo was outfitted with an external fixator device. Surgery was successful and he'll be home tomorrow!
**Oh and to add to my day, after I posted this my phone broke, and my car magically had a flat tire. Suffice it to say I'm hoping I get all this crappiness out of the way for a bit!