Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Painting Round 1

In a fit of restlessness or insanity (or both) my roomie and I started painting the living room of our house Sunday afternoon. The goal is to get the living room, dining room, and my bedroom done within a week. We also hope to get the kitchen done soon, though that isn't as big of a priority as the color in there is tolerable.

Why do this? Yeah I know, we rent a house BUT our landlord is really cool and reimburses us for any work we do on the house. The largest factor, however, is the color. I love, LOVE yellow- bright, open, airy, yellow. However, we have a lot of it in this cute house- three rooms in all (the ones mentioned above). And the yellow that is in those rooms... well got kinda gross after awhile (and I will show you that momentarily). So, we're trying to get things taken care of now before the heat of summer hits... okay really it's before we get desperate and take markers to the walls just to escape that color!

Oscar didn't last long out on the leash... we're still getting paint out of his coat!
Mina overall was pretty good, though she prefers rolling around in the plastic tarps over getting into paint. She's in kitty heaven!

Roomie hard at work!

The color to the left is the original color. It's not bad, but, in certain lights it's not the nicest to look at. And it just looked 'dirty' in comparison to the new softer, kinder yellow on the right which is also clean and inviting. Not to mention it's a LOT easier to decorate around!

Sorry for the glowing dvd's! Had to kick up the saturation to capture the new color. And even after stepping it up a notch or two I still wasn't able to get the yellow right! Ah well, you get the idea of the new color. I will post pics soon of round 2 and 3 of painting. As of Sunday evening we got half of the room done in one coat, and the other half was primed last night. Hopefully (please God, Jesus, and anyone else who's listening!) we'll get it all done tonight... first and second coats.
We will see!! More to come later (you know you're excited!!) lol

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